Jennifer Grayson

A CALL TO FARMS is a transformative act of journalism. Who writes an eloquent page-turner about farms? Jennifer Grayson does. A CALL TO FARMS erases shopworn stereotypes of farms and farmers, gracefully leading the reader into a boots-on, magical culture crucial to the well-being of society, the land, and our future.”

Paul Hawken, New York Times–bestselling author of Regeneration and Drawdown

A Call to Farms - Mahonia Gardens
Jennifer Grayson at Mahonia Gardens in Sisters, OR
Journalist Jennifer Grayson at Mahonia Gardens  - A Call to Farms
Market garden Mahonia Gardens in A Call to Farms
Jennifer Grayson A Call to Farms Mahonia Gardens
Farmer Benji Nagel at Mahonia Gardens in Sisters, OR - A Call to Farms
Ambler Farm featured in A Call to Farms by Jennifer Grayson
Farmer Matt Oricchio at Ambler Farm featured in A Call to Farms by Jennifer Grayson
Assawaga Farm featured in A Call to Farms by Jennifer Grayson
Wheels of cheese at Round Table Farm, featured in A Call to Farms by Jennifer Grayson
Community Supported Grocery's Lindsay Barrow and Olivia Myers, featured in A Call to Farms by Jennifer Grayson
Mahonia Gardens garlic harvest - A Call to Farms
Farmer Jonathan at Ambler Farm - A Call to Farms by Jennifer Grayson
Natalie Bogwalker and Dan Hancock at Wild Abundance featured in A Call to Farms by Jennifer Grayson
Farmers Yoko Takemura and Alex Carpenter of Assawaga Farm, featured in A Call to Farms by Jennifer Grayson
Archer Meier and Marlo Stein of Round Table Farm, featured in A Call to Farms by Jennifer Grayson
Farmasis founder Bonita Clemons with Jennifer Grayson, author of A Call to Farms

Top seven photos at Mahonia Gardens by Tai Power Seeff. All other photos by Jennifer Grayson.